Sunday, August 22, 2010

How Indoor Plants Can Help Us to Breathe Easier


Winter time is fast approaching and that means no more open windows- no more fresh air. Will you be one to break out air purifiers and place throughout your home or office? Or will you be one to take a lesson from B.C.

Yes, you read that right, you can grow fresh air. How wonderful is that? And why do more of us not do so?

Air purifiers only trap particles whereas plants can absorb thereby destroying airborne impurities.

Three of his fifty recommended plants are:

Snake plant

This plant is practically indestructible, meaning anyone can grow it, even those with a black thumb. Snake plants remove toxins from rooms with no windows. A great basement or bathroom plant. If you work in a cubicle with limited sunlight, this plant will survive in your work space and help you to breathe better air.

Christmas cactus
The Christmas cactus gives off oxygen at night. Most plants only do so during daylight hours making this a wonderful plant to be in a family room or home office. If you work nights, this is the plant for you.

Rubber plant
This plant can be a dear family member as it works best at removing chemicals such as formaldehyde, benzene and ammonia. It is also an amazing humidifier. This plant releases moisture into the air, making it easier to breathe as well as purifies the air, making the air we breathe cleaner.


These plants also work at removing the chemicals formaldehyde, benzene, and ammonia. Ferns come in a variety. Chose one that will best fit your home and personality.

House plants are cheaper and prettier than air purifiers. Less dust seems to accumulate in a home full of plants.

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